So I have been MIA for quite a while...
At the end of last school year I was "Blue Slipped" (my position was cut, so I was to be placed back in a classroom) and nervously waited a majority of the summer for my "placement call." Out of the choices I was given, I took a Middle School Math position. Since I was 9 1/2 months pregnant, I needed all the help I could get - hubby helped me move my belongings out of my old school and to my new classroom; mom and dad helped me clean (and when I say clean, I mean REALLY clean) my new classroom and set it up for my 7th grade students.
My new school was extremely welcoming, and they couldn't believe I was carrying around the large beach ball of a baby belly at the start of the school year. I wasn't due until around September 30th, but it was baby #3 and this was my second pregnancy in less than a year.
The school year began - I worked 8 school days, and on Saturday, September 12, 2015, my son was born!
While on maternity leave, I ended up getting reinstated in my position that was originally cut. The substitute that was covering my classroom was the next one to be hired back from the massive layoffs from the previous school year, so I was glad my students would get some consistency even after my maternity leave was over. The substitute was a great fit for the position and the school, so everything worked out in the end!
Getting back into the swing of things after having baby #3 and starting back at my old position 3 months into the school year was not an easy task. I already felt behind the eight ball since our building took a big hit starting the year with only two administrators (from a team of 5), absorbed a huge influx of students from one of the buildings that condensed from a K-8 to a K-5, and losing many positions which led to less faculty members.
Blogging certainly was not on my radar this past school year...
But I'm back!
My oldest finished her first year of preschool... (*stay tuned for my first organization blog with her school stuff*)
My middle child's personality is coming out in full force - and she's talking up a storm...
And my youngest is the most relaxed one of the three of them.
I'm finally getting a good night's sleep (crossing my fingers I didn't just jinx that) and am even going to take two online courses this summer so that I can earn some post-grad credits.
Since I was "Blue Slipped" again this school year, I'm not quite sure yet where I will be placed. Of course my anxiety has already kicked in, however I'm trying to channel that anxiety into the courses I will be taking, and getting back into blogging creative organization ideas.